Celebrating the graduates of our Barretto Sewing Training Program Batch 50!

Celebrating the graduates of our Barretto Sewing Training Program Batch 50!

Celebrating the graduates of our Barretto Sewing Training Program Batch 50!
This extraordinary group has not only mastered sewing skills but also enriched their spiritual journeys. Helen tearfully shared her newfound closeness to God, while Josephine expressed gratitude for learning from mistakes and for drawing closer to the Lord. Norlita embraced growth through adherence to rules and spiritual development, and Carmen learned how to read the Bible and learned more about the Word of God. Rosario discovered the art of prayer alongside her sewing expertise.
Congratulations to these remarkable individuals on their achievements and spiritual growth!






“Pagpag,” a Tagalog term referring to leftover food from the garbage, has become a source of sustenance for some attendees in our Landfill Community Bible Study Group, helping to ease their hunger and meet their daily needs.
We are grateful that the Project Life Subic family is now providing lunch for everyone after our Bible study program. Moreover, the main course during our Bible study session today was all about Proverbs 1:7 which taught us that we must tremble at the Lord’s holiness and that we must always resist the pride that will take us off our path.
We’re also pleased to welcome the Doulos Hope team, who joined us today and assisted in distributing food and shared their testimonies. Doulos Hope, a ship traveling globally, shares knowledge through their book fair. They will be stationed in Subic Bay from February 11 to March 3, 2024.



The 5 Amazing Students

The 5 Amazing Students

Meet the new five amazing male students of our landfill sewing training program. Jerome, Mark, Jason, Joseph, and Gerald are landfill scavengers who are now learning the art of sewing. And they are now attending our Landfill Community Bible Study to learn more about Jesus!
Join us in supporting their inspiring journey!
“Transforming lives, one stitch at a time!”



Grateful for the week that resonated with compassion!

Grateful for the week that resonated with compassion!

Grateful for the week that resonated with compassion! Yosemite Lakes Community Church made a wonderful impact on our ministries in the Philippines – extending love to our Landfill Community Bible Study Group, Alternative Learning System, Sewing Training Programs, Wawandue Community Bible Study Group, and our vibrant Youth Groups and Young Adult Support Group.
Thank you for being a blessing during your brief but impactful stay!
(Note: The music in this video is not intended for copyright infringement.) Dive into the heartwarming moments with us, and find the soundtrack link below!